Our Team

Welcome to Travel Journey - Your Gateway to Unforgettable Journeys

At Travel Journey, we believe in the transformative power of travel. Our passion is to create immersive and seamless experiences that go beyond conventional tourism.

Aqib javed

Sarah has been in the travel industry for over 15 years, with a passion for exploring new destinations. As the CEO, she leads the team with a strategic vision and a commitment to providing exceptional travel experiences to clients.

Atif Javed
Director of Operations

With a background in logistics and travel management, James ensures smooth operations within the agency. His attention to detail and organizational skills contribute to the efficiency of the agency's day-to-day activities.

Atif Javed
Travel Consultant

Emily is a seasoned travel consultant who specializes in crafting personalized itineraries. Her extensive knowledge of different cultures and destinations helps clients create unforgettable travel memories.